How Long Does It Take to Heal from Liposuction?

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liposuction procedures in houston

Liposuction is a fairly common cosmetic procedure that involves dissolving and removing excess fat from your trouble areas. In most cases, this can be done as an outpatient procedure. For larger amounts of fat, you may need to check into a hospital overnight. The procedure can be done with either local or general anesthesia, depending on the scope of the procedure. For most liposuction patients, the recovery process follows a similar pattern.

Immediately After the Procedure

Your body will likely be wrapped in elastic bandages or a compression garment to help reduce swelling and compress your skin. For an outpatient liposuction procedure, you’ll be able to go home the same day. If you had general anesthesia, you’ll need someone to take you home, as it will be unsafe for you to drive. You should take it easy for the rest of the day and avoid doing anything strenuous to allow your body to recover.

The First Few Days

This is typically the most difficult stage of the recovery process. In the first days after having liposuction, you should expect to feel uncomfortable. You’ll likely experience moderate pain and soreness, and your doctor can prescribe you something to help with the pain.

Most patients are able to go back to work after the first few days, presuming your job doesn’t require intense physical labor.

The First Few Weeks

You can expect to experience some bruising and swelling throughout the first few weeks. You may continue to feel a bit sore as well. After the first few weeks, though, you should be able to resume your regular activities with approval from your doctor. The swelling will gradually go down over the ensuing weeks, and you will begin to see your new shape emerge.

Going Forward

It is important to note that, while liposuction does permanently remove fat, it does not prevent future weight gain. You’ll need to keep up with a healthy diet and regular physical exercise to keep your new figure over time.

Find Out More About Liposuction in Houston

Here at the offices of Houston plastic surgeon, Dr. Michael Streitmann, we’ll be happy to offer you a free consultation to learn more about the liposuction procedure and how it can help you achieve your dream body. We’ll take the time to explain the procedure and recovery process to you in greater detail. We’ll also answer any questions you have to ensure you have all the information you need to make a decision about having the procedure.

We welcome you to get in touch with us to book your free consultation with The Woodland’s top plastic surgeon, Dr. Michael Streitmann.

Call us today to get started.