Chemical Peels Houston, TX

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Remove The Damaged Outer Layers Of Skin To Reveal A Healthy, Glowing Complexion

Throughout life, our skin faces a variety of physical and psychological stresses, including alcohol intake, poor nutrition, sun exposure, and environmental pollution.

All impact the skin and lead to fine lines, clogged pores, hyperpigmentation, and dryness.

Michael J. Streitmann, M.D. offers chemical peels in Houston to improve the appearance of the skin on the face, hands, or neck. To learn more, or to schedule a consultation in Houston, TX, give us a call at 832-664-7297 or send us an email at

During the early stages of the aging process, many Houston area clients reach out to Dr. Michael Streitmann to see if there are any non-invasive and safe options for restoring brightness and youthful texture to the skin. One of the easiest ways to accomplish this goal is through the use of chemical peels. Since there are several types of chemical peels available, at least one is usually compatible with your skin type and can help you reach your goal of a more youthful glow.


What Is A Chemical Peel?

A chemical peel is a type of medical facial wherein a chemical solution is applied to the skin on the face, hands or neck, in order to remove the damaged outer layers of the skin – revealing a much more healthy, glowing complexion. A chemical peel offers the following benefits:

  • Improved skin texture
  • Less dry/flakiness
  • Reduced fine lines
  • Unclogged pores/less blemishes
  • Minimized scarring
  • Less hyperpigmentation
  • Improved/more even skin tone

Essentially, a chemical peel removes the damaged outer layers of the skin and leaves you with new, regenerated skin.

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Even with an excellent skincare routine, the deeper layers of your skin accumulate damage over time. Only by using treatments that can penetrate deeper into these layers can you achieve a truly rejuvenated appearance. A chemical face peel uses a safe and effective chemical solution to remove damaged skin and debris from the surface of your face. These damaged cells are dissolved, allowing refreshed and renewed skin to become exposed instead. After a chemical peel, clients enjoy brighter skin with fewer blemishes.

There are several different types of chemical peels, varying from mild to more aggressively penetrating solutions. Before you receive a peel, Dr. Michael Streitmann provides a full consultation that includes an analysis of your skin and your goals for improvement. He can then recommend the type of peel that is most likely to help you successfully reach these goals while considering your skin’s sensitivity. Most chemical peels performed by Dr. Michael Streitmann’s office fall into two categories.

Glycolic Peels

For most individuals, a glycolic peel is sufficient to treat mild signs of aging. These mild peels penetrate the upper layers of the skin, dissolving dead and damaged cells that lead to a dull complexion. Glycolic peels lead to minimal peeling and downtime, making them a great choice for first-time clients, those with sensitive skin, or individuals with mild signs of aging.

Trichloroacetic Acid (TCA) Peels

TCA peels are considered moderate-level peels and are more suitable for clients who desire more improvement than can be provided by a mild glycolic peel. A TCA peel can penetrate the deeper layers of the skin, removing damaged cells and restoring a youthful glow as the cells regenerate on the surface. Not every person is a good candidate for a TCA peel, so it’s important to receive the advice of an experienced professional like Dr. Michael Streitmann before proceeding.

A chemical peel is a simple, non-invasive procedure that can provide many benefits to the appearance and texture of your skin. Due to the variety of peel types, most clients can find an option that works well. Since every individual has specific needs, improvements can be seen differently.

  • Mild acne scars or active acne
  • Fine lines and wrinkles
  • Age and sunspots
  • Irregular pigmentation of the skin
  • Scaly or rough skin patches
  • Mild sun damage and freckles
  • Mild surface scars

A chemical peel usually leads to less noticeable results if you have deeper scars, lines, and wrinkles. Other cosmetic solutions are available for moderate-to-severe cases, sagging skin, and broken capillaries in the face.

The chemical peel process is simple but should always be performed by an experienced professional for maximum results and minimal risk. During the application, an even layer of the chemical solution is applied to the skin of the face, neck, hands, back, or other treatment areas. Tingling and burning sensations are not unusual, but any discomfort subsides quickly. Depending on the strength of the peel, you may have minimal redness and peeling or a more extensive peeling period and longer healing time. Dr. Michael Streitmann always keeps you informed of the healing process so you can schedule your peels accordingly.

Downtime after a chemical peel varies according to the type of peel and whether the procedure was for mild signs of aging or a chemical peel for acne. The redness after a peel could resemble a mild sunburn, and most peeling takes place over the next week. It is essential to wear sunscreen and avoid direct sunlight as much as possible after a chemical peel. Your provider team gives you all the instructions you need for successful aftercare.

Schedule a Chemical Peel Consultation With Dr. Michael Streitmann in Houston, TX

When it comes to anti-aging treatments, Dr. Michael Streitmann has the experience you need to see your desired results. If you are considering a chemical peel and want to make sure you are in good hands, contact Dr. Michael Streitmann to schedule your chemical peel consultation today.

Get the results you’ve always desired

Michael J. Streitmann, M.D., a board certified plastic and reconstructive surgeon , offers a wide range of cosmetic procedures. To learn more, give us a call at 713-667-4600 or contact us.

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