Body Lift Houston, TX

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A Body Lift Surgery Can Help You Achieve A Well-Toned Body With Smooth Contours For Greater Self-Esteem!

While eating well and staying active can help you achieve a well-toned body with smooth contours, it’s not always easy due to aging, pregnancy, sun damage, genetic factors, and significant fluctuations in weight. In fact, regardless of eating well and staying active, these factors can easily contribute to sagging of the abdomen, thighs, upper arms, and the buttocks.

Michael J. Streitmann, M.D. offers body lift in Houston & Conroe, TX. Body lift surgery can help you achieve a firmer, more youthful-looking body contour. To learn more, or to schedule a consultation, give us a call at 832-664-7297 or send us an email at


What Is A Body Lift?

Are you looking to tighten and tone your body? A Body lift surgery is a procedure wherein the shape and tone of the underlying tissue supporting fat and skin are improved and excess fat/skin are removed, in order to treat conditions partially due to poor tissue elasticity. This allows a firmer, more youthful-looking contour in the following areas:

  • The Abdominal area
  • The Buttocks
  • The Thighs
  • The Groin

Ideal Patient for Body Lift

A body lift is specifically designed for people struggling with excess skin and fat along their hips, lower back, and midsection after a weight loss program. However, the ideal candidate for body lift should be in good health, almost in their ideal weight, and nonsmoker. Besides being within the right shape for a body lift, patients should understand the process and avoid unrealistic expectations from the procedure. The patients should appreciate that a body lift is intended to reduce fat and excess skin on their thighs, waist, back, and abdomen after losing weight and is never a substitute for weight loss.

Consultation and Physical Examination for Body Lift

Like any other correctional procedure, potential patients for body lifts go through a consultation and physical examination process that takes about two hours. During the consultation process, Dr. Michael Streitmann takes the patient’s medical history, lifestyle, and desires after the procedure. After the history taking and determining the patient’s desire, we discuss the available options for body contouring. The good thing is that our consultation process is usually conversational, and patients can ask questions or seek clarification.

During the physical examination, Dr. Michael Streitmann checks the areas that require correction to ascertain the current size of the excess skin, its shape, and its elasticity. Physical examination also includes taking precise measurements and determining the correct body lift for the patients. The time taken during the consultation and examination is worth the wait, as it sets the foundation for the patient’s journey to a perfect shape. Patients seeking body lifts in Houston should be ready to spend one to two hours in the consultation room with Dr. Michael Streitmann.

Pre-Operation Appointment

The pre-operation appointment is meant to prepare the patient for the upcoming body lift surgery. Pre-operation appointments are usually scheduled two weeks before the procedure. During the appointment, Dr. Michael Streitmann takes the patient through what to expect during and after the operation. Any questions not asked or answered during the consultation process are dealt with at this stage.

To help patients appreciate the body lift procedure and their journey to a perfect body shape, we take pre-operation photos to compare them with after-procedure photos. After the photo session, we provide the patient with informed consent documents for signing and prescription drugs to take on the eve of the operations. In most cases, Dr. Michael Streitmann prescribes pain, anti-nausea, and antibiotic medication a few days before the procedure.

Dr. Michael Streitmann also recommends the following lifestyle changes to enhance the effectiveness of the procedure and speed up the recovery process:

    • Withdrawal of aspirin and NSAIDs a week before and after surgery
    • Discontinuing the use of herbs and supplements a week before and after surgery
    • Quitting smoking at least four weeks before surgery and refrain from smoking for four weeks after the surgery
    • Patients are also encouraged to contact Dr. Michael Streitmann in case of any complications

The Body Lift Procedure

Body lift procedures are primarily for outpatients and may last four and six hours. However, Dr. Michael Streitmann may recommend that a patient stay overnight for closer observation. Our surgical centers are accredited, and the anesthetists are certified by the relevant boards.

After the patient is thoroughly prepared for the procedure, an initial thin, round incision is made on the area that requires correction. The stretched skin and fat are pulled out through the incision. Dr. Michael Streitmann then uses liposuction to contour the waist and flanks further. The remaining skin and muscles are stretched to an appropriate position before sutures and compression material are placed. Drains may also be set to prevent fluid buildup.

Resuming Normal Activities After a Body Lift

Patients are encouraged to walk daily after the procedure as physical activity. The patient can then slowly add more activities two to three days after the procedure. Patients can resume normal activities in about ten days. However, strenuous activities should wait for four to six weeks, mainly after the doctor’s approval.

Schedule Body Lift Services in Houston Today!

Body lift is a safe correctional procedure that helps patients deal with excess skin and fat after a weight loss program. Patients who desire a perfect body shape should start their journey with a weight loss program since body lift is not a substitute for physical exercises. Ideal candidates for a body lift are patients closer to their perfect weight and nonsmokers.

If you have always wanted to show your perfect waistline or a flat and tighter belly, it is time to think about a body lift. Contact our Houston office today to schedule a consultation and physical examination.

Benefits of a Body Lift


A flatter and tighter stomach


A lifted and well-formed buttocks


More defined and sculpted body contours


Improved self-esteem and confidence

Dr. Michael J. Streitmann will consult with you to discuss your expectations and desired outcome, as well as any potential risks or concerns, in order to ensure the success of the surgery. Once the body lift surgery is complete, results will be visible almost immediately – improving over the course of 1 – 2 years.

Get the results you’ve always desired

Michael J. Streitmann, M.D., a board certified plastic and reconstructive surgeon , offers a wide range of cosmetic procedures. To learn more, give us a call at 713-667-4600 or contact us.

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