Liposuction 101: What to Expect After Liposuction

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Liposuction is a great way to get rid of stubborn fat that isn’t responsive to diet and exercise. This way, you can tighten up common trouble areas, like your midsection, hips, and thighs, to reveal your best body yet. However, you will need some TLC after you leave your surgeon’s office. Here’s what you can expect from the liposuction recovery process.

Immediately After the Surgery

Although it is a fairly common procedure, liposuction is still a major surgery. Because you’ll be placed under anesthesia during the procedure, you’ll need to arrange for someone to drive you home afterward. For at least the first day after your surgery, you should do your best to take it easy and rest as much as possible. The liposuction incisions are typically small, but you’ll still need to take care not to rupture your stitches until they dissolve or your doctor removes them.

The First Few Weeks

You’ll likely experience moderate discomfort at first, and your doctor may prescribe something to help. Be sure to take any medications as directed by your doctor. In most cases, you’ll need to wear compression garments on the treated areas at first to help your body settle into its new shape. There is usually a fair bit of swelling during the first few weeks, so don’t expect to see the results right away. The swelling should subside within about a month or two.

Further Liposuction After Care

Liposuction permanently removes fat from your body, but that doesn’t mean that new fat won’t form. Once your body has finished healing, it is important to maintain a healthy diet and get regular exercise to keep your body in shape. Start off easy at first, then work your way up to more strenuous activities once you know your body can handle it again.

Other Liposuction Recovery Tips

If you are considering liposuction to streamline your body, Dr. Michael J. Streitmann can help. We welcome you to reach out to our office to schedule an appointment for a free, no-obligation consultation in Houston and Conroe, Texas.

We’ll go over the liposuction procedure and recovery process with you in greater detail so that you know exactly what to expect. Call us at (713)667-4600  today to get started. The body of your dreams could be just a few months away!

Image Credit: Getty/ AndreyPopov