Mastopexy Augmentation: Do You Need Implants With Your Lift?

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Feeling your best is not just a matter of physical health. The way you look also keeps you feeling confident and able to take on the world. If you are considering a breast lift, it could change the way you look at yourself, but should you get breast implants while you are at it? A mastopexy augmentation procedure, or a breast lift with implants, could give you that self-esteem boost you need.

What Is a Mastopexy?

A mastopexy procedure is a breast lift. Over time, the fullness in the top of the breast almost hollows out so the breasts begin to hang. Sagging often happens naturally after childbirth, due to aging and sometimes because of genetics. Weight loss, excessive exposure to the sun, smoking, and breastfeeding are some other contributing factors. That does not mean you just have to live with it. Dr. Streitmann will remove excess skin and lift breast tissue to improve the look of sagging breasts, giving them back that perkiness of your youth.

What Is an Augmentation?

Sometimes mastopexy is not enough, so a patient will choose augmentation as well. What is augmentation mastopexy? It is a breast lift in addition to implants. When a person undergoes a breast lift, it will raise their breasts up, but that fullness will not always be there. A breast lift readjustment the natural tissue of the breast. An implant is a silicone device added to each breast, creating a rounder, fuller, and perkier breast. This can also aid in nipple placement, so if the nipples have begun to point downward, augmentation mastopexy can get them pointing in the right direction.

How Is a Breast Lift and Augmentation Done?

One reason women in Houston choose to have both a breast lift and augmentation done together is because of the convenience. For the best results, you may have to have the procedure done in two steps. How is a breast lift and augmentation done? To begin the process, the surgeon will create small incisions near the areola. The surgeon will discuss with you the type of incision that should be made, but there are a variety of options including vertical, periareolar, inverted T, or crescent. These leave different scars, some more visible than others, so that is sometimes a determining factor in which type of incision should be made. The ease of procedure might also play a role in which type of incision is chosen, as will the amount of augmentation you are requesting.

Once the incision has been made, the surgeon will remove excess skin and begin to lift the breast tissue. When that has been completed correctly, the implants will be placed through the same incisions. Few people have their best results this way. Dr. Streitmann prefers a two staged approach when doing a mastopexy and augmentation.

What Is Recovery Like?

Because mastopexy augmentation is done under general anesthesia, immediately following your surgery, you will begin to come out of that. The surgeon will watch you for a time, after which someone can take you home to fully recover.

The results of this procedure will be immediately noticeable, but that does not mean you will have recovered immediately. Many patients experience soreness or tenderness of the breasts for a couple of weeks following surgery. Your surgeon will most likely prescribe something that will help to eliminate some of the pain and discomfort you may experience.

While you should not do anything strenuous, you also should remain active during the recovery time. Patients are at higher risk of blood clots when they do not move around, so it will be important for you to keep active. Movements you should avoid, however, include lifting your arms above your shoulders, making any sudden, quick movements, or lifting things that will cause your body to strain.

You will be back to your normal self again after about three to six weeks. If the surgeon used removable stitches, they will generally be removed at about two weeks following surgery. If at any time you feel something is not right, contact Dr. Streitmann immediately. There are some risks associated with this procedure including infections and bleeding, so it is important you pay attention to anything out of the ordinary.

So, Do You Need Implants With Your Lift?

In conclusion, there are many patients who choose to have implants included with a breast lift. While it is not the answer for every patient, there are some benefits that many enjoy. If you are looking to improve the look of your breasts, encourage fullness, reposition the nipples and improve in confidence, a mastopexy augmentation might be the answer. Discuss with your doctor the risks and benefits associated with the procedure to determine whether having implants with your lift is right for you.

Contact Dr. Streitmann for a Consultation

Dr. Michael Streitmann has been working to help individuals from all walks of life get that self-esteem boost they need through plastic surgery. If you are considering mastopexy augmentation, contact us today in Houston at 713-667-4600 for a consultation, or fill in the form and we will get in touch with you shortly.

Image Credit: Getty/ Ivan-balvan