Tummy Tuck Surgery FAQ

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When Is A Tummy Tuck Procedure Medically Necessary?

“Medically necessary” is a term used by insurance firms to determine which kinds of procedures can be covered. Unfortunately, a tummy tuck procedure is never considered medically necessary by these standards – because it is never intended to treat any disease.

Is The Procedure Covered By Insurance?

A tummy tuck procedure can improve your quality of life by giving you a more toned, firm and flat abdominal area. It is a great way for people to tone up or to enhance the benefit from any recent weight loss. However, it is not covered by standard insurance.


How Long Is It Before I Can Drive Again? What About Swimming Or Travel?

As with any surgery, you should expect some downtime. The length depends on the specifics of the procedure, so get information directly from your doctor. Most patients are able to return to driving within a few days but should avoid bending and lifting for at least two weeks. Vigorous exercise may not be possible for two months or more. Do not drive if you are still taking prescription pain relievers.

How Long Does It Take To Recover From The Procedure?

Healing time greatly varies depending on your age, level of fitness and other health factors. Most people will be able to return to sedentary work in just a few days. Several months may pass before you are completely healed, but discomfort is minimal after the first few weeks.

Where Are The Tummy Tuck Scars Located? Are They Permanent?

With help from a surgical expert, the appearance of scars is minimized. Scars will be found on the lower abdomen, where incisions are made to access the underlying muscle. Scars vary in length, but the goal of successful surgery is to minimize their length and depth. Most patients find they are “swimsuit-ready” within two months or so; however, everyone is different.

Scars of any type generally fade over time and may become almost impossible to see. If you are concerned about scarring, bear in mind that a number of treatments can help you eliminate scars.

Will I Still Need To Exercise To Stay Looking Slim After Getting A Tummy Tuck?

Diet and exercise are both essential parts of maintaining a healthy look after any procedure. Your tummy tuck does not change the way your body stores or distributes fat. However, it can help by strengthening the abdominal muscles, which often weaken over time.

Not everyone decides to drastically change his or her health habits after a procedure, and this is fine. Results can remain noticeable for months or even years depending on your habits, metabolism, and other factors. The best and longest-lasting results typically require exercise.

I’ve Read That Similar Procedures Are Performed Very Cheaply In In Other Countries, Like Mexico. Is That True?

It is true that a number of “bargain” procedures are available in countries with very low medical standards. The odds of complications, including severe scarring, infection and even death, are dramatically higher in these countries than they are when using a skilled surgeon in the United States.

Want to enjoy the tummy tuck surgery that The Woodlands trusts? Contact us at the office of Dr. Michael J. Streitmann today!

Get the results you’ve always desired

Michael J. Streitmann, M.D., a board certified plastic and reconstructive surgeon , offers a wide range of cosmetic procedures. To learn more, give us a call at 713-667-4600 or contact us.

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