What to Expect After Breast Reduction Surgery

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Breast reduction surgery can be an effective way to relieve discomfort and pain, refine your body shape, improve your posture, and even boost your self-confidence.

And while there are a variety of resources available to describe the process of breast reduction surgery, many candidates wonder what to expect after the procedure is complete.

To help you better understand what breast reduction recovery typically looks like, we’re answering many of the most commonly-asked questions by patients interested in the surgery.

When Can I Go Home After Breast Reduction Surgery?

In many cases, we are able to perform breast reduction on an outpatient basis, meaning that you can go back home on the day of the surgery. You will need a family member or friend to drive you home because you will still be experiencing the effects of anesthesia.

In certain scenarios, patients may need to spend a night in the hospital to ensure a smooth transition to recovery.

What Does the Recovery Process for Breast Reduction Look Like?

When you wake up from the anesthesia, both breasts will have incisions, drains, and stitches. Surgical dressings will cover your incisions to keep them clean, and a special support bra will provide a comfortable foundation for proper healing.

After surgery, you might feel slightly weak, with some soreness, pulling, or stretching sensations in your breast area. Your doctor will prescribe pain medication to keep you comfortable, and the minor pain usually fades within a week or two.

Slight swelling and bruising are also expected, and you may notice mild itching as the incisions heal. Each day, you’ll feel stronger and more yourself as your body naturally moves through the healing process.

It’s not unusual to feel as if you have less energy than normal for several weeks, because your body is focusing resources on recovery. Many patients describe a feeling of moving fluid in their breasts, which is also completely normal and will fade over time.

In about 5 to 10 days, you will return to the office to have your stitches removed. Depending on your doctor, you may also have your drain removed at this appointment.

Once your drain is removed, you typically receive the ok to take a shower. Rest is key for the first couple of weeks after surgery, and you should avoid lifting heavy objects (especially over your head) for at least 3-4 weeks, if not longer.

What Will My Breasts Look Like After a Reduction?

Many patients describe their new breasts as rounder or firmer after a reduction, with some experiencing mild changes in the feeling in their breasts.

Don’t be surprised if it takes some time to get accustomed to your new breasts, especially because there will be some swelling early on in the recovery process.

Learn More about Breast Reduction Surgery

If you’re located in the Houston area and are considering a breast reduction, the offices of Dr. Michael J. Streitmann can help. With years of experience and industry-leading techniques, we’ve provided countless patients with compassionate care and beautiful results.

We’re dedicated to ensuring that every one of our patients has the information they need to make a confident, informed decision about cosmetic surgery, which is why we take great care to provide personal consultations and individualized attention.

For so many of our patients, a breast reduction is a key to unlock a more comfortable, confident, and happier version of themselves. For more information about how breast reduction surgery may be right for you, contact the offices of Dr. Michael J. Streitmann to schedule a consultation today.

Image Credit: Getty/ Deagreez