Skin Cancer Screening Houston

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Skin cancer screening is a visual inspection of the skin by a healthcare provider, a dermatologist, or self-inspection. It does not involve any blood work.

Skin cancer screening involves checking your skin for moles, birthmarks, and other marks that may appear unusual in color, shape, size, and texture.


Skin Cancer

Skin cancer is an abnormal growth of skin cells often due to exposure to the sun. It can develop in any part of the skin, even those not exposed to the sun.

The common types of skin cancers are:

  • Basal cell cancers
  • Squamous cell cancers
  • Melanoma

Basal cell and squamous cell cancers are curable with treatment, and they do not spread to other parts of the body.

Melanoma is a less common skin cancer that is more dangerous and can quickly spread to other body parts.

Skin cancer screening is vital for early diagnosis and better treatment outcomes. In Houston, Dr. Michael Streitmann can help you get a skin cancer screening.

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Why you might Need Skin Cancer Screening Service

You may require skin cancer screening if you are at risk of developing skin cancer due to environmental exposure or are genetically at risk.

Inherited Risk of Skin Cancer

Genetics play a role in many things, including our character, diseases, and even cancer. The risk of developing certain skin cancers like melanoma has been linked to genetics. If one of your biological family members develops skin cancer, you have an increased risk of developing skin cancer.

Environmental Exposure

Environmental risk factors for skin cancer expose the skin to damage, causing a mutation in DNA, leading to skin cancer. These environmental factors include:

  • Sun exposure is the leading cause of skin cancer
  • Environmental chemical exposure at work and at home increases the risk of developing skin cancer.
  • Smoking increases the risk of developing squamous cell carcinoma.

Who is Suited for Skin Cancer Screening?

Skin cancer screening is suited for;

  • Someone who has a precancerous condition
  • People who have relatives with a history of skin cancer or other cancers like pancreatic cancer and ovarian cancer.
  • Anyone with a mole that looks suspicious or anything on your skin looks suspicious.

Personal precancerous conditions

These are changes in the skin involving abnormal cells associated with an increased risk of developing cancer. These lesions or growths are considered a skin cancer warning since they can progress to basal or squamous cell cancers. Precancerous conditions include;

Prior treatment

Treatment of precancerous conditions depends on the location. For mild cases, your doctor may advise skin cancer screening. In severe cases, they may prescribe medicated creams and gels to apply directly to the skin.

Why choose Dr. Michael Streitmann

Doctor Michael Streitmann is a board-certified plastic surgeon qualified to manage your skin care needs, including skin cancer screening.

He has a team of professional staff, and he has received great reviews over the years.

How to start the service

Visit our website and book a consultation for free cancer screening to get skin cancer screening.

How to perform a self-examination for skin cancer

If you are screening yourself for skin cancer, check for signs like

  • A change in an existing mole
  • Any skin abnormality that oozes or bleeds
  • A sore that does not heal after a whole week
  • Shiny pink, red, or pearly white bumps

When self-examining, think of ABCDE, which stands for;

Asymmetry:-check if the mole has an odd shape with one-half different from the other half

Border:-check for borders on the mole that looks irregular

Color: – check for uneven color of the mole

Diameter: – if the mole is more significant than a pea

Evolving:-check if the mole has changed its color and shape

Self-screening involves:

Standing in front of a mirror and examining each part of your body, including your scalp, neck, stomach, feet, back, buttocks, and genital area.

How to schedule a consultation

When you see something that looks suspicious on your skin, schedule a consult with your primary care physician. You can also contact us to book an appointment for skin cancer screening.

What to expect from the service

During the screening, your doctor will look for irregularities on your skin like:

  • Nodules
  • Lesions
  • Patches of skin different from surrounding skin
  • Areas of discoloration
  • Sores that are bleeding

The procedure to expect when you go for skin cancer screening includes;

  • Your doctor will ask you to remove all your clothes and wear a medical examination gown.
  • Then your doctor will give you a head-to-toe exam, using a special magnifying glass with a light to look at certain marks.
  • If a mark or mole on your skin looks like skin cancer, your doctor will order another test known as a biopsy to confirm or rule out skin cancer.

Final Thought

Skin cancer screening is vital for anyone at any age because of the many risk factors people are exposed to, including genetics, sun exposure, and other environmental conditions.

To learn more about skin cancer and skin cancer screening, visit our website or contact us for a free skin cancer screening.


Image Source: Sam of Art / Shutterstock

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Michael J. Streitmann, M.D., a board certified plastic and reconstructive surgeon , offers a wide range of cosmetic procedures. To learn more, give us a call at 713-667-4600 or contact us.

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