Male Breast Reduction Surgery Conroe, TX

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Reduce Excess Tissue/Fat of the Male Chest to Achieve A More Pleasing Shape That Gives You Confidence!

Male breast enlargement, also known as gynecomastia, starts around the time of puberty due to obesity, hormonal metabolism imbalance, medicinal causes, or liver disease; however, when it continues into adulthood, which occurs in 10% of men, it becomes fairly uncomfortable and socially devastating.

Michael J. Streitmann, M.D. offers male breast reduction to reduce excess tissue or fat of the male chest.
To learn more, or to schedule a consultation, give us a call at 832-664-7297 or send us an email at

gynecomastia before and after

Gynecomastia Surgery

After undergoing male breast reduction, many patients notice physical and psychological benefits – from getting rid of excess tissue or fat for a more defined chest area to eliminating discomfort or embarrassment resulting from male breast enlargement. The surgery can be performed one of two ways:

When gynecomastia results from excess fatty tissue in the male chest, liposuction is a great option wherein unwanted localized deposits of fat cells are removed from the body for more attractive, defined chest contours.

Traditional surgical excision
When gynecomastia results from a glandular disorder, traditional surgical excision is a better option, whether performed alone or in conjunction with liposuction, to cut away the excess glandular tissue.

Is Breast Reduction Surgery Right For Me?

Any adult man suffering from gynecomastia is a potential candidate for male breast reduction surgery and treatment. The best way to determine whether surgery will help you is to speak with Dr. Streitmann.

Am I a Good Candidate for Gynecomastia Surgery?

Before getting surgery performed, you should talk to your primary care physician to determine the extent of breast development and determine, if possible, the underlying condition that created the issue. This will help you get the best, longest-lasting results possible.

Gynecomastia Surgery Consultation – What to Expect

Dr. Streitmann isn’t just a medical expert – he’s a refreshingly straightforward, no-nonsense guy who will give you the truth after a brief visual inspection. It only takes a few minutes for him to determine what he can do for you, and most men feel relieved when they get the facts.

Is Male Breast Reduction a Cosmetic or Medical Procedure?

Male breast reduction is considered a cosmetic procedure. It is rare for men to get insurance coverage for this process – typically only when cancer is detected. As the top Conroe plastic surgeon performing male breast reduction surgery in The Woodlands area, Dr. Streitmann will work with you to help you get the care you need.

What Should I Expect From The Treatment Process?

There are two options for male breast reduction in Conroe. The first is a traditional surgical excision. In this situation, a set of small incisions is made in the patient’s chest and the excess fat and any other tissue is removed. The position of each incision is based on your needs, but they are intended to be as small as possible – to accelerate recovery and reduce scarring.

The conventional method allows freedom in sculpting a natural-looking and masculine chest contour.

Liposuction is another potential approach to your treatment. When you choose liposuction, a tapering of excess fat can be achieved to produce a masculine chest shape. However, this method cannot remove deep glandular tissue, which is fibrous compared to adipose (fat) tissue.

In many cases, it’s necessary to combine both options to achieve the best results. Each outpatient procedure typically takes one to three hours and is performed under general anesthesia. Rarely, it may be necessary to visit the doctor more than once to complete treatment. Most men will need to wear a compression garment for several weeks after surgery.

How Much Post-Surgery Aftercare Is Necessary?

Patients must be careful to use their medical compression garment at all times as prescribed by their doctor.

Stiffness and discomfort are most pronounced in the first two or three days after surgery, so you should be careful not to stress the chest. Aside from this, aftercare requirements are simple. Dr. Streitmann will advise you on the most important steps to take.

Are Male Breast Reduction Results Permanent?

Although results do tend to be long-lasting, it is not possible to predict whether they will be permanent. If there is a major underlying hormonal imbalance or other condition causing breast tissue development, this must be addressed to prevent future growth.

To learn more or set an appointment, contact us today.

Are Medications Required During the Treatment & Recovery Process?

You will be prescribed antibiotics to help prevent infections and you may be prescribed pain medication for the immediate aftermath of surgery. Some patients require this for only a few days and it is not usually necessary to maintain the use of pain medication for longer than two weeks.

How Much Time Off Work Do I Need To Set Aside To Ensure Proper Healing?

It’s usually possible to return to work after a few days, but a full week off is a good precaution. Vigorous exercise should be avoided for at least three full weeks. Discomfort will substantially decrease after the first month, but some scarring will remain.

Get Male Breast Reduction Surgery in Conroe, TX

Dr. Michael J. Streitmann will consult with you to discuss your expectations and desired outcome, as well as any potential risks or concerns, in order to ensure the success of the surgery. Once the male breast reduction surgery is performed, you’re able to enjoy a more pleasing shape that gives you confidence.

If you’re looking to augment the pectoral muscles of your chest, pectoral implants can be inserted at the same time as your breast reduction surgery – adding an hour onto the procedure.

Get the results you’ve always desired

Michael J. Streitmann, M.D., a board certified plastic and reconstructive surgeon , offers a wide range of cosmetic procedures. To learn more, give us a call at 713-667-4600 or contact us.

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