Body Lift Conroe, TX

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A Body Lift Surgery Can Help You Achieve A Well-Toned Body With Smooth Contours For Greater Self-Esteem!

While eating well and staying active can help you achieve a well-toned body with smooth contours, it’s not always easy due to aging, pregnancy, sun damage, genetic factors, and significant fluctuations in weight. In fact, regardless of eating well and staying active, these factors can easily contribute to sagging of the abdomen, thighs, upper arms, and the buttocks.

Michael J. Streitmann, M.D. offers body lift in Houston & Conroe, TX. Body lift surgery can help you achieve a firmer, more youthful-looking body contour. To learn more, or to schedule a consultation, give us a call at 832-664-7297 or send us an email at


What Is A Body Lift?

Are you looking to tighten and tone your body? A Body lift surgery is a procedure wherein the shape and tone of the underlying tissue supporting fat and skin are improved and excess fat/skin are removed, in order to treat conditions partially due to poor tissue elasticity. This allows a firmer, more youthful-looking contour in the following areas:

  • The Abdominal area
  • The Buttocks
  • The Thighs
  • The Groin

Benefits of a Body Lift


A flatter and tighter stomach


A lifted and well-formed buttocks


More defined and sculpted body contours


Improved self-esteem and confidence

Dr. Michael J. Streitmann will consult with you to discuss your expectations and desired outcome, as well as any potential risks or concerns, in order to ensure the success of the surgery. Once the body lift surgery is complete, results will be visible almost immediately – improving over the course of 1 – 2 years.

Get the results you’ve always desired

Michael J. Streitmann, M.D., a board certified plastic and reconstructive surgeon , offers a wide range of cosmetic procedures. To learn more, give us a call at 713-667-4600 or contact us.

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