Upper Arm Lift Houston, TX

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Get Firm, More Toned Arms While Eliminating Sagging/Drooping Resulting From Fluctuations in Weight, Aging or Genetics!

A wide range of factors, such as fluctuations in weight, aging, or genetics, tend to result in upper arm sagging/drooping; and while there are specific exercises to help strengthen and improve muscle tone, the underlying issue remains: when excess skin loses its elasticity, it’s not easy to resolve through staying active and healthy eating.

upper arm surgery at houston plastic surgery

Michael J. Streitmann, M.D. offers upper arm lift surgery to lift and reshape the underside of the upper arm for a more toned appearance. To learn more, or to schedule a consultation, give us a call at 832-664-7297 or send us an email at mjs@houstonplasticsurgery.net.

What is an Upper Arm Lift?

Arm lift (Brachioplasty) surgery is a procedure that involves removing extra skin and fat from the underside of the upper arm for a more firm and toned appearance. For people who’ve lost significant amounts of weight, upper arm lift surgery is a great way to get rid of loose, hanging underarm skin while boosting self-confidence and making the most of their recent weight loss.

Regardless of the reason for undergoing upper arm lift surgery, most patients notice the following benefits after surgery is performed:

  • Less excess sagging skin
  • More defined upper arm shape
  • Smoother skin and contours of the arm

Brachioplasty in Houston, Texas

Dr. Michael J. Streitmann, located in the Houston, TX area, will consult with you to discuss your expectations and desired outcome, as well as any potential risks or concerns, in order to ensure the success of the surgery. Once the upper arm surgery is complete, the results will be immediate with firm, more toned arms.

Many people are frustrated with sagging skin and/or excess fat in their upper arms. Fortunately, you don’t have to just accept this situation. A Brachioplasty may help you to enjoy more youthful, toned arms. If targeted exercises are not producing the results you want, this may be the answer you are looking for.

Every patient requires an individualized procedure. So, Dr. Streitmann will recommend a personalized treatment plan to help you achieve your desired results. If relevant, he may recommend alternative procedures to help you reach your goals.

Candidates for Arm Lift

Typically, people who are in overall good health and have achieved a stable weight are candidates for this procedure. People who are currently working towards reaching a stable, healthy target weight may not be good candidates because significant weight changes can undo the results of arm lifts.

Dr. Streitmann will consult with you to determine whether you are a good candidate for the procedure. If necessary, he may make suggestions that will help you to be ready for this surgery.

During Arm Lift Surgery & Procedure

The arm lift surgery is typically performed as an outpatient procedure. In most cases, it takes between one and two hours to complete. Arm lifts are sometimes performed along with other cosmetic procedures as a combination surgery.

During the procedure, you will be either sedated or under general anesthesia. We will provide you with specific instructions on how to prepare for the procedure during your consultation.

The incision is made along the inside of the arm. Although all surgical procedures produce scars, the mark from an arm lift is largely hidden. Most patients feel more comfortable wearing sleeveless clothing and bathing suits after the procedure than before. Any scars are typically difficult to notice.

Arm Lift Recovery Process

For most patients, there will be some discomfort and swelling immediately following the procedure. This can be managed with medication and typically reduces significantly during the first week. Most patients can return to normal activities by about ten days after the surgery.

Strenuous lifting should be avoided for several months. Also, it may take several months for the swelling to completely subside and for the area to fully heal.

Cost for an Arm Lift Procedure

As with other procedures, the exact cost of a Brachioplasty depends on the individual’s unique circumstances. Typically, this procedure is not covered by insurance. We are happy to discuss costs and alternative options with you to help to ensure that you can get the results you want at a cost you are pleased with.

Schedule an Arm Lift Consultation in Houston

Contact Dr. Michael J. Streitmann today to schedule your arm lift (Brachioplasty) consultation today in Houston, TX or at our office in Conroe. Call us at 832-664-7297 or send us an email at mjs@houstonplasticsurgery.net to get started.

Arm Lift FAQs

Will I have scars?

All surgical procedures result in some scarring. However, Dr. Streitmann applies plastic surgery best practices to ensure that the visible scarring is as minimal as possible. This includes placing the incision under the arm to ensure that it is hidden from view. Additionally, scars fade over time. The most dramatic fading happens in the first six months after the surgery. Most patients feel very comfortable wearing sleeveless clothes and bathing suits once the arm has healed.

Can I combine procedures?

Yes, combination procedures can help to reduce the overall time to get the desired results, including cutting down the total recovery time. In many cases, combination surgery can also help to reduce the total cost. An arm lift may be combined with surgeries such as a tummy tuck or breast augmentation. We can discuss this option during your consultation.

Will my loose skin and fat come back?

An arm lift is a permanent procedure that removes loose skin and excess fat from the area. However, it is possible for additional sagging or fast-deposit creation to occur after the surgery. For this reason, candidates for the procedure should be at a healthy, stable weight before receiving an arm lift.

When can I exercise?

For exercise that does not significantly involve your arms or lifting, you should be able to return to exercise after about two months. However, it may take several months to return to more intense workouts or heavy lifting. In general, you should avoid anything that causes pain or discomfort in the arm lift area. We will provide specific instructions for recovery and returning to exercising after your procedure.

When can I go back to work?

Most people can return to work after about two to three weeks. However, strenuous lifting should be avoided for several months after the procedure. So, if that is an element of your work, you may need to take a longer time before returning.

Does insurance cover arm lift procedures?

Typically, insurance does not cover the cost of arm lift surgery. In rare cases, insurance may cover some of the cost if there are medical concerns such as skin breakdown, infection, or normal activity limitations. However, the vast majority of patients do not receive insurance coverage for arm lifts. We are happy to discuss costs with you to find a treatment option that can work for your needs.

Can I combine procedures?

Yes, combination procedures can help to reduce the overall time to get the desired results, including cutting down the total recovery time. In many cases, combination surgery can also help to reduce the total cost. An arm lift may be combined with surgeries such as a tummy tuck or breast augmentation. We can discuss this option during your consultation.


Get the results you’ve always desired

Michael J. Streitmann, M.D., a board certified plastic and reconstructive surgeon, offers a wide range of cosmetic procedures. To learn more, give us a call at 713-667-4600 or contact us.

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