Getting a Tummy Tuck After Weight Loss

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What is a tummy tuck?

A tummy tuck, also referred to as abdominoplasty, removes excess fat and skin from the abdominal area. It can also help to restore the strength and natural appearance of any weak or damaged muscles in the abdominal region. This creates a more desirable abdominal profile.

How is a tummy tuck done?

The process is performed under sedation or IV anesthesia. It requires a single horizontal incision ending near the belly button. Its exact size depends on the amount of excess skin the patient has currently. Sometimes, an additional incision may be utilized for the upper abdomen.

Upper abdominal skin is pulled and unwanted skin is carefully excised. Then, the remaining skin is brought together in a taut configuration. An opening is crafted for the belly button, which is re-positioned and sutured into place. Ultimately, the belly button retains its former appearance.

How tummy tucks help patients who have achieved dramatic weight loss

Weight loss is an admirable goal that can have profound effects on your health. The body does not always react quickly to faster weight loss, however. Losing more than 10 pounds in a short time can lead to excess skin, which patients may find uncomfortable or unsightly.

In cases of mild or moderate weight loss, the patient can expect the body to adjust over time. However, this is not always possible. An abdominoplasty eliminates the problem and allows you to reap the enjoyment and confidence of your weight loss success.

How to tell if you’re a good candidate for a tummy tuck following dramatic weight loss

Otherwise healthy adults of any age who have lost weight and have excess abdominal skin are generally good candidates for the procedure. In fact, an abdominoplasty can help you achieve your aesthetic goals even if you are looking for smaller weight loss. This is because the procedure provides a more pleasing abdominal contour which can make your body appear younger.

Does insurance cover tummy tuck after weight loss?

Generally, the answer is no. As this is usually considered a cosmetic (rather than “medically necessary”) procedure, it will not often be covered by insurance.

How much is a tummy tuck? Tummy tuck after weight loss cost depends on a number of factors, so personalized advice is the best way to move forward.

To find out more directly from Dr. Streitmann, contact us today for a free consultation. We look forward to helping you soon!

Image Credit: Getty/ andriano_cz